W E L C O M E!
GAMES FOUNDATION is an organisation that helps artists and creative teams
We can assist you when raising money from investors,
We also help investors find the best projects and investment opportunities
Our organization was founded by games industry veterans who want to help
Please get in touch with us if you want to find out more.
Sincerely, S E R V I C E SHere's what we can do for you.
J O B S & I N T E R N S H I P S(sorry - only for German speakers)
Du bist kreativ und hast Spaß an Computer- und Videospielen?
Wir suchen Verstärkung in den Bereichen
Auch Praktikum, Thesis oder Minijob möglich!
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Games we have contributed to ...in collaboration with GAME ART BRAIN: ...in collaboration with PLAY WITH FIRE: ...in collaboration with ZOINK: ...in in collaboration with SPLITSCREEN: ...in collaboration with TOUCHSCREAM: ...for BIGPOINT: ...in collaboration with 3D-IO and 4HEAD: ...for ELOCOM: ...in collaboration with KRITZELKRATZ 3000: ...in collaboration with WERTSTAHL:A W A R D SGames our team has worked on have received widespread recognition:N E W S L E T T E RSubscribe to our free email newsletterto get the latest news about our upcoming games. C O N T A C TGAMES FOUNDATION GmbHHansastr. 24 24118 Kiel Germany
Amtsgericht Kiel HRB 25812KI D I S C L A I M E R All rights reserved. Logos and trademarks are copyrighted by their respective owners. |